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Covid 19

Policies & Guidelines

Click here to download a PDF version of this Covid 19 policy document.


In March, 2020, Ireland along with countries around the world was hit with a virus that can affect the lungs and airways.  This virus was called Coronavirus – COVID-19.

Na Leanaí reopened its doors and welcomed all children & parents back on June, 29th, our aim was to abide with Public Health and Government guidelines so to ensure, the well-being, health and safety of all children, their families and staff in our centre is priority.

With guidance from Tusla and Public Health, some of our policies were amended so to allow our centre to run safely and efficiently during this COVID-19 pandemic.  These policies will always be subject to ongoing review as guidelines change, be assured that all staff and parents of our children will be notified of any subsequent change.

The following are some of our policies that have been highlighted:

  • Policy No 4:     Procedure for Dropping and Collecting of Children and maintaining social distancing where possible.

  • Policy No. 8:    Nutrition for both Crèche and Preschools.

  • Policy No 9:      Safe Sleep

  • Policy No. 11: Illness and Infection Control – Signs & Symptoms of COVID-19, Procedures of suspected COVID-19 in our setting, Procedure of suspected COVID-19 (Adult)

  • Policy No 8 & 11:  Hygiene & Infection Control, Handwashing technique, Personal hygiene/Respiratory Etiquette and cleaning.

  • Policy No. 17:  Outdoor Play – The importance of increase of outdoor play.

  • Policy No.20:   Staffing – staff training and rostering of staff in pods.


For more information on COVID19 – please click the link


Policy and Procedures Addendum (due to COVID-19)

While things at Na Leanai will not be quite the same as when we finished up in March, our priority will be helping the children to adapt to their new routines and supporting them to settle back in.  The wellbeing of the children and providing a positive experience as they return to our centre, is imperative at this time. We have put a number of new measures in place to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19.  For these measures to work, we need your support to ensure all health & safety guidelines implemented by the management & staff of Na Leanai will be adhered to.



Policy No. 4      Procedure for Dropping and Collecting of Children


Our procedure has changed for dropping and collecting your child/children due to Covid-19.

  • Per Government guidelines, we ask that you adhere to the 2 metre social distancing, which will be clearly marked on the ground outside our centre. 

  • Please wear a mask on arrival to the centre as per Public Health guidelines.

  • Please use the sanitiser on the wall at the entrance of the main door, before you hand over your child.

  • As you will no longer be allowed access into the reception area, as advised by the Government, a staff member will greet you on arrival at the main door.

  • The children will not have seen the staff or centre for a while so they might be shy in going in.  The staff member will give you time to say your goodbyes and have a bit of a chat to make sure everyone is comfortable.  The staff member will take your child to their room. Initially there may be tears, but we will have plenty of staff on hand to ensure that your child is comforted and helped settled in. Remember your child has being at home with you or other members of their immediate family and we will be strange & new to them for a while.  The staff know your child from before lockdown and will do everything to comfort and settle your child.  Also at any stage during the day you can phone us to check in on your child.

  • Parents please queue, keeping the 2 metre social distance until it is your turn to drop off your child.  Alternatively, you may wait in your car until the doorway is clear.

  • Once your child has being received by a staff member and all goodbyes have being said, we ask that you immediately return to your car.  This is to ensure the timely drop of children for all parents.

  • Our car park is small and we will need to be mindful of this at drop off and pick up times.

  • We will be staggering opening times for the different rooms.


Going Home

  • When collecting your child, please ensure that you wear a mask.

  • Please ensure that you sanitise your hands at the front door.

  • A staff member will bring your child to the front door to you.

  • They will give you an update on your child’s day and will answer any questions you may have.


Maintaining social distancing where possible

  • Schedule arrival and collection times for individual children, so that all children do not arrive or leave at the same time. This will help in maintaining the required 2m social distancing.

  • Markers are placed outside the service marking of 2 metre distancing.

  • Entry & exit routes are also marked out.

  • Children will be brought straight to their specific care room on arrival, where their hands will be washed.

  • Staff from different ‘play-pods’ will maintain social distancing (2 metres).

  • Where two staff are part of one pod, they will social distance as far as is practicable.

  • We will avoid mixing of groups and use of communal areas.

  • Where necessary chairs & tables will be removed in classrooms to limit the number of people per table and maintain social distancing.

  • A new larger staff room has been fitted out.  This will help staff maintain social distance when staff are on breaks together.  Staff breaks will be staggered as much as possible, which will also help with social distancing.

  • Delivery people will be met by a staff member at the entrance door.  Social distancing and good infection control practices will be in place. Sanitiser dispenser outside the front door will be used. 

  • Maintenance or external contractors will be brought in out of hours where feasible. They will sanitise before entering the premises.



Policy No. 8                                Nutrition



  • All snacks, lunches & water bottles must be clearly labelled with child’s name.

  • Snacks & lunches to be brought into Crèche in a solid lunch box or in a clear zip lock bag (sandwich bag) which can be wiped down before being placed in the fridge. 

  • No school bags, lunch bags or nappy bags are allowed, in accordance with government guidelines.  Please place spare clothes, nappies etc. in a disposable bag and we will put these items into the child’s drawer.

  • All Crèche snacks and lunches will now be prepared in our main kitchen.

  • Snacks & meals are brought to the individual rooms and served by the staff members allocated to that room.

  • A hot school dinner is available for €2.00 a day.

  • All formula milk bottles must be ready made at home, clearly labelled and brought to Créche in a clear zip lock bag.

  • If your child uses a soother. Please bring a new soother in original packaging into Crèche. This will be sterilized regularly and kept in our Crèche at all times for your child.  No soother chains or amber beads are allowed.

  • Due to Covid-19, childcare guidelines recommend that children have separate soothers for home & crèche.


Preschool 1 & 2

  • All snacks, lunches & water bottles must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.

  • Snacks & lunches to be brought into pre-school in a solid lunch box or clear zip lock bags, which can be wiped down, before being placed in the fridge. 

  • No school or lunch bags are allowed, in accordance with Government guidelines.

  • Please place spare clothes in a disposable bag and we will put these items into your child’s box.

  • Hot dinners are available for €2.00 a day.


Policy No. 9                          Safe Sleep


  • There will be a physical distance of 50cm between all cots. 

  • All cots will be arranged so that there is physical distance of 2m between children from different pods.

  • Children will use the same cot for their sleep times throughout the day, subject to strict infection control practices being undertaken between use:

    • Cleaning and disinfection of the cot frames

    • Cleaning and disinfection of the mattress

    • Changing of the bed linen

  • Each child will have clean bed linen each time they use a cot.

  • Daily cleaning & disinfectant of mattresses and sleep mats must take place with additional cleaning required when visibly soiled.

  • Recording the name of the children who used each cot on a daily basis. This will be done on the sleep room chart.

  • Record when the bed linen was changed.

  • Staff must be vigilant in the safe removal and laundering of soiled linen.

  • All laundry to be washed at the highest temperature that the fabric can tolerate.

  • Bed linen to be stored in the crèche storage room or utility room as appropriate.

  • Child-sized furniture used in cosy corners must be easy to clean and covered in a wipeable material



Policy No. 11                Illness and Infection Control


Exclusion of Sick Children/Adults

COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways.  It’s caused by a virus called Coronavirus.  Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spread in sneeze or cough droplets.  Current evidence suggests that the virus can spread as easily as the flu virus that circulates every winter.  Viruses can be easily spread to other people and you are normally infectious until all your symptoms have gone. Coronavirus (COVID-19) may survive on surfaces if someone who has it coughs or sneezes onto it.  Simple household disinfectants can kill the virus on surfaces.

With this in mind, we must reduce the risk of this virus as best as we can.  Under the strict guidelines by the Government we must adhere to and keep up to date with current HSE guidelines, which can be found on

Also, children or staff displaying the following symptoms will not be allowed into our setting:

  • Fever:  High Temperature over 38°C

  • Cough:  Any kind of cough

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Breathing Difficulties

Non-contact infra-red thermometers are available in each room for recording children’s and staff temperature as necessary.


Any child/adult presenting with a viral chest infection will not be allowed to attend the setting

All parents will be required to complete ‘A Return to our Setting Form’ with regards symptoms in the past 14 days.  We also advise parents to contact the setting if your child:

  • Has been ill in the last 24 hours

  • Has a temperature in the last 24 hours

  • Has being given medication in the last 24 hours?

We will minimise the spread of infection by organising children and staff into groups or "play pods" to the extent that this is practical. A ‘play-pod’ comprises of a group of children and the adult(s) who remain with that group as keyworker(s). The intention is that the same staff and children stay together each day, through the day, as far as possible. The objective is to limit interactions and sharing of facilities between play-pods.

In crèche childcare is delivered within a play pod structure, where the crèche is one play-pod. The crèche play pod has their own designated staff, toys & equipment. They also have their own outdoor area with their own toys & equipment.

Each pre-school room is assigned their own staff for their play pod. They will also have their own outdoor area with their own toys & equipment.

It is not possible to observe physical distancing when caring for a young child and it is not practical or advisable to enforce physical distancing between young children.


Procedure for suspected COVID-19 in our setting

  • If a child develops any symptoms of acute respiratory infection including cough, fever, or shortness of breath while in our facility, a staff member will take them to the isolation area, which will be well ventilated.  This is situated 2m from others in the room.  The child will be kept comfortable and have water to drink and tissues available.

  • In the crèche, we will use the water area as our Isolation Area 1.  This is a secured area, with a window for ventilation, which is situated 2m away from the other children.

  • We will keep a supply of PPE gear, gloves, aprons, mask, shield, tissues & bags on a shelf in the Isolation Area 1.

  • Or alternatively Isolation Area 2, which is situated at the top of the stairs.  This area has a window for ventilation.

  • PPE gear, gloves, aprons, mask, shield & bags for Isolation Area 2 is stored in the press upstairs.

  • There is also tissues & a foot operated pedal available in the upstairs isolation area.

  • All preschools will use the upstairs isolation area.

  • All staff are aware of both isolation areas which can be used for children.

  • Isolation Area 2 is the only isolation area available for staff use.

  • All tissues and soiled clothing will be double bagged and placed in our outside Covid dustbin in the shed. This bin is clearly marked COVID BIN and all staff are aware of it.

  • We will use an infrared non-contact thermometer to check the child’s temperature.

  • Call the parents/guardians and ask them to collect their child as soon as possible.

  • A staff member caring for a child waiting to pick-up, will need to wear a mask and gloves in this situation.

  • Once your child is collected, you should contact your GP for further advice.

  • The areas where the child has spent time will be closed off. This area will be cleaned with household detergent followed by a disinfectant as soon as is practically possible.

  • Special attention will be paid to frequently touched sites including door handles, backs of chairs, taps of washbasins, toilet handles.  Once cleaning and disinfection have been completed and all surfaces are completely dry, the area can be put back into use.

  • If a child or adult with suspected COVID-19 spent time in a communal area like a play area or sleeping area, or if they used the toilet or bathroom facilities, these areas should be cleaned with household detergent followed by a disinfectant as soon as is practicably possible.

  • Any child who is a close contact of a person who has a confirmed diagnosis or is suspected of having COVID-19 must not attend the centre and remain at home in quarantine for 14 days.



Procedure for suspected COVID-19 in our setting (Adult)

If a staff member displays symptoms of Covid-19 during work, the following procedure will take place:

  • The staff member will be accompanied to the designated isolation area 2, keeping the 2 meters social distance away from each other.

  • They will also ensure that all other members will maintain a distance of 2 meters at all times.

  • Provision will be made for the staff member presenting with symptoms to wear a mask.

  • The staff member will be assessed to see if they are well enough to drive home immediately.

  • Alternatively arrangements will be made for them to be collected from work.

  • The staff member will be advised to ring their GP and seek medical advice.

  • The staff member will be advised to avoid touching surfaces, people and objects. 

  • The staff member will be kept comfortable, have water to drink and tissues available.

  • All tissues and soiled clothing will be double bagged and placed in our outside Covid dustbin.

  • We will use an infrared non-contact thermometer to check the adult’s temperature.

  • The staff member caring for the sick staff member will need to wear a mask and gloves in this situation.

  • The isolation area 2 where the adult has spent time will be closed off. This area will be cleaned with household detergent followed by a disinfectant as soon as is practically possible.

  • All areas where the staff was present will be cleaned and disinfected.

  • Special attention will be paid to frequently touched sites including door handles, backs of chairs, taps of washbasins, toilet handles.  Once cleaning and disinfection have been completed and all surfaces are completely dry, the area can be put back into use.

  • If the adult diagnosed with COVID-19 spent time in a communal area like the staff room or staff toilets, these areas should be cleaned with household detergent followed by a disinfectant as soon as is practicably possible.

  • Any child who is a close contact of a person who has a confirmed diagnosis or is suspected of having COVID-19 must not attend the centre and remain at home in quarantine for 14 days.

If contacted by HSE, all necessary assistance and information will be provided.




Policy No. 8 & 11           Hygiene & Infection Control

Na Leanaí will try to minimise and manage risk of infection.  Children and adults should not attend if they have symptoms of viral infection.  Our best way to manage this risk is by hand hygiene, personal hygiene, coughing & sneezing etiquette and regular cleaning.


Infection Control

Our policy on infection control for our early years’ centre specifies the procedures to be followed to protect staff and children attending our service from the transmission of infections. The infection control policies specify how the service will comply with the play-pod requirements and align with HPSC guidance.

An updated infection control policy incorporating the new cleaning schedule and revised drop off and collection procedures is in place in response to COVID-19.

This policy has been circulated to staff and parents/guardians prior to reopening of our centre.

This policy reflects the advice issued by the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) in relation to reducing the spread and transmission of COVID19

It highlights how social distancing, handwashing and coughing etiquette is being managed in the service to staff and parent/guardians.

Rooms will be kept well ventilated by keeping windows open and by using the mechanical operated fans in the bathrooms.

Fiona Flynn is responsible for monitoring of cleaning agents and equipment.

All cleaning agents will be securely stored.

The cleaning agents & equipment are replenished when required.

Stocks of PPE are monitored and replenished when required.


Hand Hygiene:

All staff were given a demonstration on the correct procedure for hand washing for both children & staff

  • Staff members must wash their hands and assist children with washing their hands, using liquid soap and warm running water.  Disposable single-use paper towel to be used for hand drying.

  • Children & staff enjoy singing ‘wash, wash your hands’, twice, as they wash their hands.

  • Age-appropriate signage on handwashing techniques is displayed.

  • Handwashing at a minimum for all staff & children will occur:

    • Immediately upon arrival and leaving our setting

    • On entering /leaving any care room or bathroom, within our setting

    • Immediately after outdoor play and before re-entering our setting

    • Before and after nappy changing

    • After using the toilet

    • Prior to eating meals and after handling food

    • All staff and children will wash their hands after wiping children’s noses.  Children are encouraged to do this themselves, but younger children may require assistance.

    • If visibly dirty

    • After messy play

    • After sneezing and coughing

    • Before and after caring for a sick child

  • Provisions have been made for an increase in hand sanitiser stations throughout the centre, both inside and outside.    

  • There is a sanitiser dispenser at the entrance/exit of our centre and at the entrance of our storage shed.

  • There are sanitiser dispensers on entrances to all rooms and both outdoor areas have sanitiser dispensers.

  • Signs are displayed over all sanitiser’s dispensers reminding people to sanitise.

  • All bins within the centre are now foot-operated pedal bins which will help in the prevention of infection.

Personal Hygiene/Respiratory Etiquette:

  • Children will be taught the required steps for handwashing and respiratory etiquette appropriate to their stage of development.

  • Staff and children should avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth.  Games, songs and rhymes will be used to make practice as child friendly as possible.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a clean tissue when coughing and sneezing and then promptly dispose of the tissue in a foot pedal bin, hands to be washed or sanitised immediately after. 

  • A supply of tissues will be available in each room.  Best practice, if tissue is not available, is to cough or sneeze into the bend of the elbow, not into hands.

  • Additional handwashing is required when caring for babies or children who are teething or dribbling.

  • Visibly soiled clothing of staff or children will be changed and hands washed.  Spare clean clothes will be required and kept in our setting, the soiled clothes will be send home.

  • Children’s faces, particularly infants and toddlers, must be kept clean of secretions by careful and gentle washing.



In line with the public health advice and expert guidance issued, the following actions were taken prior to opening. The premises was cleaned both internally and externally before reopening. This included all toys and equipment. Consideration was given to the layout of the rooms and planning the outdoor play area.  Space requirements have been reviewed in line with current regulatory requirements.  Children will remain in their play-pods and mixing with other groups/play-pods will be avoided.  Consideration was given to the most appropriate toys /play equipment and materials to be used.

Our cleaning schedule has been revised, to take into account infection control measures for COVID-19 and an enhanced cleaning schedule has being put in place.

  • Cleaning touched objects and surfaces, high contact areas such as door handles, grab rails/handrails in corridors and stairway, desks, countertops, telephones, computers, keypads, toilets/taps/sanitary fitting, regularly throughout the day.

  • Cleaning & disinfecting will also take place throughout the day on items that are in regular use.

  • A procedure is in place for cleaning and storage of soothers, sippy cups, and oral sensory chewing devices.

  • All rooms will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every day.

  • All rooms will be ventilated on a daily basis.

  • Toys will be cleaned and disinfected, using a detergent and Milton solution daily.

  • Staff are made aware that all mouthed toys must be removed immediately the child has finished playing with them.

  • All staff are aware that mouthed toys are not to be shared among children.

  • These toys are placed in the cleaning box and will be washed and disinfected at the end of the day.

  • They will be returned to the play area once this procedure has taken place.

  • Playdough is made freshly as required & disposed of at the end of each session.

  • Sand is disposed of at the end of each session.

  • Our outdoor areas will be cleaned and disinfected, using a detergent and Milton solution daily.

  • All broken and damaged toys & equipment from both indoor and outdoor play areas will be disposed of properly.

  • Foot operated pedal waste bins are available in all rooms and accessible to staff and children which are emptied regularly.

  • Staff wash their hands following this task.

  • Wearing rubber gloves when cleaning surfaces.  Wash the gloves while still wearing them, then wash your hands after you take them off.

  • A list of the cleaning products is maintained with clear written directions for use.

  • Rooms that will be used for two sessions in a day will be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and ventilated between sessions.

  • Fiona Flynn will monitor the cleaning agents & equipment being used.



Policy No. 17                      Outdoor Play

Our newly renovated outdoor play area will now be divided into pods for the different rooms for the duration of COVID-19. 

  • It is advised under public health to access outdoor play as much as possible.

  • All outdoor toys and equipment will be washed and disinfected on a daily basis.

  • Both staff and children will wash their hands before and after outdoor play. 

  • Sanitiser dispensers are also accessible in both outdoor play areas for staff. 


Covid-19 has encouraged us to reflect on all our spaces more and in particular about how we might utilize our outdoor spaces.

  • Our well-designed, stimulating outdoor area offers irresistible learning opportunities and extends and supports indoor learning.

  • Spending time outdoors is good for emotional wellbeing and this is closely linked to our overall mental and physical wellbeing. 

  • Learning in nature and outdoors helps with stress and boosts our overall well being.




Policy No. 20                                Staffing

All employers have additional responsibilities to staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, and these are outlined in the Health and Safety Authority Return to Work Safely Protocol.

This document is designed to support employers and workers to put measures in place that will prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.

Our service will appoint one lead worker Fiona Flynn, she will ensure that COVID-19 measures are strictly adhered to in the service.

Staff Rostering

  • All staff will complete a pre-return-to-work form, 5 days prior to returning to work.

  • Staff have been informed that if they have any symptoms of COVID-19 not to present for work. 

  • Phone management as soon as reasonably possible. Both the manager & assistant manager can be contacted by mobile at any time.

  • All staff have been informed of the importance of self-isolation where necessary. 

  • Every day before staff clock in to start their shift, they sign a health status declaration form confirming that they do not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19.

  • All staff have been made aware of the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

  • Staff have been informed of the procedure in dealing with a child or adult who becomes symptomatic while in our centre.

  • An isolation area has been identified for both children & staff.

  • If there is a need for additional staff to be brought in to deal with a suspected case of COVID-19, staff can be called from the emergency call list.  This list is next to the phone in each room and staff are contacted in the order of the list.

  • All rooms have an adequate supply of PPE, aprons, gloves & masks.

  • All staff must have a complete change of clothes in their locker.

  • Staff rosters are colour co-ordinated to show staff allocations per day. This will take into consideration the staff child ratio as per childcare regulations.

  • Allocated staff will be assigned to one group/play-pod of children and remain with them for the duration of the week in so far as is practically possible.

  • Floating/relief staff are available if needed to provide cover or should a staff member become ill or need to self-isolate

  • Management will assign breaks & lunches for all staff. These will be staggered in times to avoid staff congregating in staff canteen.

  • We have advised staff not to congregate in communal areas both inside and outside the building.

  • We will continue to operate within regulatory adult-child ratios.

Staff Absenteeism due to Covid 19

If a member of staff goes out sick due to Covid 19, where possible our permanent staff will cover their hours.  If their allocated hours cannot be covered by permanent staff, we will call on a member of our relief panel.  At all times staff child ratios will be maintained as per childcare regulations.

Staff Training

Good communication/training and regular staff meetings will be held to manage COVID-19 in our childcare centre.  Prior to reopening all staff were asked if they were able to return to work.  If they were comfortable in returning to work. If they had any underlying health conditions that would prevent them from working. Or if they were any issues at home that would make returning to work unsafe.


We will provide specific training on the following:

  • Revised policies on nappy changing, food preparation and procedures for cleaning.

  • Revised policy on infection control and risk management.

  • An incident plan has been drawn up to deal with a suspected case of Covid-19.

  • Training in hand washing, which is critical in the prevention of the spread of the virus.  This training will be completed by all staff before returning to work.

  • Staff will be advised in the proper coughing etiquette & sneezing.  The washing of hands after coughing & sneezing.  The proper disposal of tissues.

  • Staff have been informed of the policy for drop-off and collection.

  • How to set up a play environment in play-pods to engage and meet children’s needs both indoors & outdoors.

  • The managing, cleaning and disinfection of toys and equipment on a daily basis.

  • How to use personal protective equipment (PPE) in the event of a child or staff member becoming sick.


At our induction training prior to reopening, all policies & procedures were discussed.  Techniques on hand washing & hygiene etiquettes were demonstrated.  We provided a training pack for each staff member.  We will keep a record of all training provided to our staff members. All staff members were contacted prior to reopening to ascertain whether they have been in contact with a suspected/confirmed case or if they are experiencing symptoms themselves.




Communication with parents/guardians and other visitors to the service:


Parents/guardians will be informed of our changes in policy and practice and any other relevant information via email & telephone.  Information leaflets, digital platforms, emails, text messages, video/voice call, are all methods that we will use to communicate effectively with parents/guardians. The information will be relayed in a manner that is easily understood by all attending our service.


All parents will receive an updated policy & procedure booklet, with our revised policies due to Covid 19 highlighted for their attention.

Admission forms will be updated to allow for any changes to details, i.e. contact numbers, change in person(s) authorised to collect the child which may have changed due COVID-19 & additional emergency contact in the event they are not contactable.

We will ensure that parents/guardians or accompanying adults do not gather at the entrance to the service. We will facilitate this by arranging drop-off times at intervals and have clearly demarcated areas for drop-offs or collections.

We will advise parents/guardians to phone us if their child becomes unwell and cannot attend our centre.

Parents/guardians will be informed if their child is displaying symptoms such as a cough, fever or breathing difficulties that they should not attend the centre.

Temperature checks of children that have an elevated in temperature during the day will be recorded. 

Parents/guardians will be informed of the action to be taken should a child, or staff member display symptoms whilst in the service. And the action to be taken should a child or staff member come into contact with a person with Covid-19.

Parents/guardians will be informed of the action to be taken should a child or staff member be diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19.



Final Note:

We appreciate that there is a lot of changes for families & children during this pandemic.  The management & staff of Na Leanai endeavour to do everything possible to make attending our centre as stress free as possible for you and your children.  Our priority will be as it always has been, to provide a safe, caring environment, where each child is encouraged to learn through play. To explore, experiment and learn about their world through all the different experiences provided.

We will do this with the help of our fully qualified staff and with you the parents. As the child's primary carer we value your contribution and together we will help your child to reach their full potential through these challenging times.


Looking after your child, their learning & happiness is our happiness!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Tee or Louise on 066-7148898 or 085 8642412

This is a live working document, and it will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and amended to take into account new guidance from the Health and Safety Authority,,,, and                         






Contract between Na Leanai & Parent


  • Your childcare fee must be paid at the start of every week, even if your child doesn’t attend (including for bank holidays). This will ensure that you child’s place is secure.  The only exception is if you child is hospitalised then no payment is required.

  • Ideally pay by card at the door, over the phone or into our bank account.

  • I understand that once I have agreed with the staff to the days that my child will be attending, these will be the days that he/she will attend, unless I inform the staff of any change.

  • I agree to adhere to the childcare hours allocated to me, i.e. to drop my child into the centre on time and to collect my child on time each day.

  • I have enrolled my child in Na Leanai Childcare Centre, and I understand how the ECCE capitation is applied in this service. 

  • It has been clearly explained to me that enrolment in this service is not dependent on me opting into any or all of the optional extras listed. 

  • I have received the calendar and understand the conditions surrounding it.

  • If my child is displaying any symptoms: high temperature over 38°C, any kind of cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, I will not bring my child to crèche/pre-school.

  • All previous guidelines relating to childhood illness, diarrhoea, vomiting, chicken pox etc. are still in place.  Please refer to our main Policy & Procedure booklet.

  • I understand that these guidelines are in place to safeguard the children, families and staff.

  • If ever in doubt, please ring the centre on 066-7148898 or 085-8642412 prior to bringing your child in.



Parents/Guardians Agreement:  


Signed________________________                                              Date________________



Signed _______________________                                                Date_________________

Manager                                                                                                           Updated 13/10/20    

Policy No. 4
Policy No 8
Policy No 9
Policy No 11
Policy No 8 & 11
Policy No 17
Policy 20
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